Saturday, January 29, 2011

An Impossible Task

How am I supposed to orchestrate a perfect final day to fittingly bookend the best trip of my life? What could I possibly do to make sure that I have the "best day yet" in order to ensure I leave with the best possible taste in my mouth? What happens if I can't do it? Does it sully the experience as a whole?

Well, I didn't have the perfect day, but I'm honestly alright with it. Because this morning, I was able to, once again, have an incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience.

After waking up late this morning with a headache induced by what can only be described as a "Jager Marathon", I took a little time to get acclimated to the day. After a shower, some tea, a handful of Tylenol and some DMB, I was good to go. So Lauren, Kim and myself headed out to explore Copenhagen for a bit before lunch.


Friday, January 28, 2011

A Roller Coaster Ride From Sweden to Denmark

This morning I woke up know that in a few short hours, I would be on a plane to Copenhagen, Denmark. From what I have heard from friends and acquaintances, I was going to be in the best city in all of Europe by days end. You'd think I would be ecstatic, right? Then why the hell could I not stop wishing I was on my way back to Chicago...?

Yesterday was far and away one of the best days of my life. In fact, it was an absolutely perfect way to end my  journey here in Scandinavia, and it seemed only right to be on my way home. Consequently, I was less than thrilled when our plane touched down in Copenhagen. I guess the big guy upstairs wasn't listening.

But things started looking up almost immediately after getting off the plane.

Why thank you!

However, they quickly started nosediving once again. After confusion at the airport, we lugged our heavy baggage to the train. After confusion on the train, we lugged our heavy baggage to our hotel (a 15 minute walk). As it turned out, we were at the wrong hotel. So after the confusion at the hotel, we lugged our heavy baggage back to the train (another 15 minute walk). After arriving at the correct stop, we got off at the central station downtown Copenhagen. As you might guess, confusion ensued. After resolving that, we lugged our heavy baggage to our hotel. However, on the way we got lost, and again, confusion ensued.        

The Copenhagen Central Station in our state of confu

Luckily (eventually) we all arrived safely at our destination, tired frustrated.
Hooray for Copenhagen!

Needless to say, everyone was in pretty desperate need for a pick-me-up. What better way is there than 10kr. shots of Jager? None apparently!

Needless to say, the night's mood increased dramatically. Everyone ended up having an amazing time. The highlight of the evening was definitely when I coerced the bartender into playing some DMB.


Total Bro-out in Copenhagen. Definitely a highlight of the trip.

More adventures in this beautiful city tomorrow1

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Are we really done?

I guess so! At least that's what everyone is telling me. Fortunately, this has been an absolutely incredible day, and a perfect way to close out my time here in Sweden

To start the day, it was back to the old grindstone. The freezing f***ing cold grindstone. Today was a frigid nightmare, but that didn't stop us from trekking around the city! This morning was our visit to Wireless Car, a Volvo subsidiary, housed in a beautiful facility on a neighboring island (just a short ferry ride away).


We were again treated with such hospitality, I feel like I'm getting too used to it! I must say, after todays presentation regarding all the technological (r)evolutions going on in the luxury car game, I've been given just one more piece of motivation to go succeed. I want one of those toys!

Lucky for us, Professor Shields gave us the entire afternoon off to enjoy our last day in Gothenburg. After going to get lunch with the group, I embarked on my lone wolf Swedish adventure. It was the most surreal experience.

I really wish I could tell you all about it, but it's kind of a secret. For now. (That's right Joanna)

In due time, I will flesh it out in it's entirety with details, pictures, and insight. Until then, just wait patiently on the edge of your seat. (That's right Joanna)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Finally, a break in the trend...

This trip has been amazing. So amazing, in fact, that I swear, each and every day we're here is "the best day yet!" Well, not today...Not to say that it was bad! It was just a little bit on the bland side, but hey, everyone needs a down day once in a while right? Especially people who have been wearing themselves down as much as I have.

For a few days now, the trip has been officially winding down to a close, but it didn't really hit me until today. What a bitter-sweet feeling. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited to get home to see my family, my friends and my lovely girlfriend. Especially the latter. But this really has been an amazing trip, and I'm not quite ready to see it go. Can't they all just come here?

Sorry, I'll stop complaining.

On a positive note, I had a great afternoon running around the city with Holmes. We hopped around to a few stores running errands, and I got a chance to return a(n admittedly) stupid purchase. Right before we caught a train home, we decided to stop in at an absolutely beautiful Celtic cathedral.

Oh, and you wanna hear something awesome? Tonight was the last night in Sweden where we have had to feed ourselves on our own dollar. Tonight was also the first night Matt and I realized we could cook our own food in the Hostel kitchen. Huh, I wonder if that would've saved me a few bucks over the last week?


Monday, January 24, 2011

How Could I Forget About the Robots?

That's when you know you've had a big day. This morning was our second visit to ABB robotics, and today, we got a full demonstration of some of the hardware. It really was amazing.

Sorry for the low quality, but my Carthage email account doesn't allow me to email high quality video (the file is too big). Nevertheless, you get the idea of how these things work. Blue collar workers, meet your new co-workers!

Oh, and I also managed to snap a few more pictures of their facility without security seeing me. It really is a beautiful place.

Don Draper of the New Millennium

That's the picture I had in my head. When I officially declared marketing as my major, this is what I imagined my ultimate success would be like. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, Mr. Draper is a brilliant and successful ad agency executive from the TV show Mad Men.

This guy. Yeah, he's as awesome as he looks.

Well, I feel as of today, I no longer have to look to a  fictional man to see exactly where I want to go in my career. Instead, I have become inspired by another man: Erik Ekholm. He is the founder and CEO of the advertising firm Skapa. Thanks to Professor Shields, we were lucky enough to be able to pay their office a visit. From the moment I walked through the door, I was nothing but impressed.

Don't act like you're not impressed

 From the vibe of the office, the demeanor of the employees, the hospitality and the poise, to the AWESOME presentation and thoroughly impressive organizational structure, I knew that this was the endgame. This is where I wanted my career to go. This fact was established even more concretely following a post-presentation conversation with Eirk. He imparted on me some of parting words of wisdom for my future career - much appreciated and definitely taken to heart.

The other highlight of my day was my evening out - The Nefertiti Jazz Club

This place was incredible. We saw two bands, the most impressive of which was the Ocean Brass Band (pictured above). Each and every member was so talented, I really was blown away. Matt, Lauren and Max and I all enjoyed it so much. This was definitely one of my favorite things throughout the entire trip.

Jazz and Martinis. Talk about a classy night.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wash Out This Tired Notion That the Best is Yet to Come

This was my epiphany.

As I stood on the upper-deck of a fairy late this afternoon, something happened as I leaned against the railing, looking out over the water. The funny thing is, I didn't realize it right away.

As the sun began to fall towards the horizon, the boat continued to cruise along to an island off the coast of the city. It was a beautiful day, though the air was almost too cold for comfort, and the wind stung just a bit. But it didn't matter to me - my head was somewhere else...

Having just turned 21, I can't really kid myself anymore about these delusions that somehow I'm still a kid. It's a transition that I have struggled with for years, but lately it has really been wearing at me. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm such a strong believer in the whole "Carpe Diem" philosophy. The problem with that lies in the fact that though I want to adhere to it so dearly, I day-in and day-out struggle with the ability to really live for the day at hand. But not today...

Around I looked, taking in what is easily among the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. This was one of those times where you feel that God's paintbrush stroked in just the right way. As I marveled at the beauty, I found that I began to softly sing a song to myself - Pig by David J Matthews - and for this time, I left myself. For the first time in my life, I truly forgot all that was ahead of me and all that was behind me; All my hopes and all my worries.

All that was left was me, this moment, this view, and those immortal words softly echoing in my head:

Isn't it strange?
How we move our lives for another day
Like skipping a beat
What if a great wave should wash us all away
Just thinking out loud
I don't mean to dwell on this dying thing
But looking at blood
It's alive right now deep and sweet within
Pouring through our veins
Intoxicate moving wine to tears
Drinking it deep
Then an evening spent dancing it's you and me

This love will open our eyes
From the dark side we can see the glow of something bright
There's much more than we see here
Don't burn the day away
Don't burn the day
Don't burn the day away

Is this not enough?
This blessed sip of life is it not enough?
Staring down at the ground
Oh, then complain and pray for more from above
You greedy little pig
Stop, just watch your world trickle away
Oh, it's your problem now
It'll all be dead and gone in a few short years

Just love will open our eyes
Just love will put the hope back in our minds
Much more than we could ever know
Oh, so don't burn the day away
Don't burn the day away

Oh, come sisters, my brothers,
Shake up your bones, shake up your feet
I'm saying, open up and let the rain come pouring in
Wash out this tired notion that the best is yet to come
But oh, while you're dancing on the ground
Don't think of when you're gone

Love, love, love
What more is there?
Cause we need the light of love in here
Don't beat your head, dry your eyes, let the love in there
There's bad times but that's okay
Just look for love in there

And don't burn the day away

Look, here are we
On this starry night staring into space
And I must say, I feel as small as dust lying down here

What point could there be troubling
Head down, wondering, "what will become of me?"
Why concern? We cannot see, but no reason to abandon it
The time is short, Time, that's alright
Maybe I'll go our in the middle of the night
Take your hands from your eyes my love
All good things must come to an end sometime

But don't burn the day away
Don't burn the day away

Come sisters, my brothers
Shake up your bones, shake up your feet
I'm saying, open up and let the rain come flooding in
Wash out this tired notion that the best is yet to come
But, oh, while you're dancing on the ground
Don't think of when you're gone

Love, love, love
What more is there?
Cause we need the light of love in here
Don't beat your head, dry your eyes, let the love in here
The bad times, well that's okay
Just let the love in here

Just let the love in here
Oh love, light up

This is the start of something new.