Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Finally, a break in the trend...

This trip has been amazing. So amazing, in fact, that I swear, each and every day we're here is "the best day yet!" Well, not today...Not to say that it was bad! It was just a little bit on the bland side, but hey, everyone needs a down day once in a while right? Especially people who have been wearing themselves down as much as I have.

For a few days now, the trip has been officially winding down to a close, but it didn't really hit me until today. What a bitter-sweet feeling. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited to get home to see my family, my friends and my lovely girlfriend. Especially the latter. But this really has been an amazing trip, and I'm not quite ready to see it go. Can't they all just come here?

Sorry, I'll stop complaining.

On a positive note, I had a great afternoon running around the city with Holmes. We hopped around to a few stores running errands, and I got a chance to return a(n admittedly) stupid purchase. Right before we caught a train home, we decided to stop in at an absolutely beautiful Celtic cathedral.

Oh, and you wanna hear something awesome? Tonight was the last night in Sweden where we have had to feed ourselves on our own dollar. Tonight was also the first night Matt and I realized we could cook our own food in the Hostel kitchen. Huh, I wonder if that would've saved me a few bucks over the last week?


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