Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Bright Future?

What happened to Blade Runner? What happened to Terminator? Remember, those movies where the future is a dirty mess? Dirty crowds of dirty people? Dirty garbage? Dirty air? I thought the future was supposed to be bleak! At least, that's what every sci-fi movie since 1982 has taught me...

Apparently, that's not quite right. At least, that's what we learned today when visiting ABB Robotics. During an awesomely educational presentation from an awesome and educated business executive, we learned that we (as humans) are on the cusp of something HUGE. According to the experts in the technology field, in a period of time, our world is going to experience something of an industrial revolution. That is, a revolution that will improve human quality of life across the globe as drastically as when we experienced the first industrial revolution. Well shit...isn't that a relief! I've always been skeptical about what drastic technological advancements could do do society, but I know am optimistic (with only a hint of caution) about what's to come. 

By the way, the facility ABB operates out of is incredible. I managed to snap a few pictures before security yelled at us. 

Afterwards, we made our way back over to the University to sit in on some pretty awesome lectures that covered, maritime shipping, global hotspots, somali pirates, and China. Making me even more scared of China.

Oh yeah, and we saw a riot! There was this huge protest going on against deporting Iraqis and Afghanis back to their home countries. Crazy shit!

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