Friday, January 28, 2011

A Roller Coaster Ride From Sweden to Denmark

This morning I woke up know that in a few short hours, I would be on a plane to Copenhagen, Denmark. From what I have heard from friends and acquaintances, I was going to be in the best city in all of Europe by days end. You'd think I would be ecstatic, right? Then why the hell could I not stop wishing I was on my way back to Chicago...?

Yesterday was far and away one of the best days of my life. In fact, it was an absolutely perfect way to end my  journey here in Scandinavia, and it seemed only right to be on my way home. Consequently, I was less than thrilled when our plane touched down in Copenhagen. I guess the big guy upstairs wasn't listening.

But things started looking up almost immediately after getting off the plane.

Why thank you!

However, they quickly started nosediving once again. After confusion at the airport, we lugged our heavy baggage to the train. After confusion on the train, we lugged our heavy baggage to our hotel (a 15 minute walk). As it turned out, we were at the wrong hotel. So after the confusion at the hotel, we lugged our heavy baggage back to the train (another 15 minute walk). After arriving at the correct stop, we got off at the central station downtown Copenhagen. As you might guess, confusion ensued. After resolving that, we lugged our heavy baggage to our hotel. However, on the way we got lost, and again, confusion ensued.        

The Copenhagen Central Station in our state of confu

Luckily (eventually) we all arrived safely at our destination, tired frustrated.
Hooray for Copenhagen!

Needless to say, everyone was in pretty desperate need for a pick-me-up. What better way is there than 10kr. shots of Jager? None apparently!

Needless to say, the night's mood increased dramatically. Everyone ended up having an amazing time. The highlight of the evening was definitely when I coerced the bartender into playing some DMB.


Total Bro-out in Copenhagen. Definitely a highlight of the trip.

More adventures in this beautiful city tomorrow1

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